Welcome to the online course:

The basics of Animal Training.

After you take this course you:

  • Know why training is important.
  • Know more about positive reinforcement training.
  • Have the tools to start training your animals.
  • Have the tools to create a better bond with your animals by training.
  • Have the tools to improve the welfare of your animals by training.
  • Have more ideas about what to train with your animals.

It doesn't matter what kind of animal you want to train; your dog, your pet snake, tigers at the zoo you work or your bird of prey. Anything is possible.

Still in doubt: watch my promotion video on the right!

If you want to take this course, please send me an email on .

If you have an inlog account you can log in here to acces the online course!

© 2017 Roundeurope Animal Training.